Success in biotechnology relies on more than game-changing scientific advancements.

In storied biotechnology organizations and startups alike, the role of management in multifaceted and critical to the success of the company. While research and development are happening, managers in the biotechnology sector must deal with many stakeholders—from investors and advisors, to the press and the general public—to translate science to a successful commercial venture. As a management major with a concentration in biotechnology, you will develop your sense of personal and social responsibility, learn to make data-driven decisions, and demonstrate skill in the laboratory.

The Curriculum

View the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog to find course titles, numbers and descriptions.

Requirements for a B.S. in Management with a concentration in Biotechnology

In addition to courses required for the management major, students take 12 credits from courses listed below. They must also complete their Management Internship (MGMT3496) in a biotechnology related position.

Requirements for Concentration:

  • BIOL1105 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology (SI-L)(NS-L)
  • BIOL2303 Biotechnology Applications
  • CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry (SI-L)(NS-L)

At the completion of the Management major with a concentration in Biotechnology students will:

  1. Be able to address issues of personal and social responsibility in their organizations and communities.
  2. Have fundamental knowledge of concepts and analytical tools within management, business, and economics which can be used to make data and theory driven decisions at work.
  3. Communicate effectively orally and in writing, using concepts and analytical tools from management, business, and economics.
  4. Better understand their values, their strengths, their weaknesses, and their interests—and be able to apply this self-knowledge to job and career path decisions.
  5. Demonstrate skill in the laboratory methods required to carry out biotechnology research and apply their assessment of scientific literature to research that has the potential to be commercialized.