Communication is the most effective tool for living together happily.
When you first meet, ask each other these important questions to make sure you start off on the right foot!
Living with Roommates: Tips for Success
- How do you want your room to be set up? How will you divide up the living space?
- What do each of you expect of your relationship with your roommate?
- What can you and your roommate discuss to prevent potential problems?
- How much of your personal or life experiences are each of you willing to share?
- How do you both intend to discuss habits, values and priorities?
- Could some of your practices or activities be potentially offensive or annoying to the other person?
- How will both of you resolve disagreements?
- How do you act when you are angry, depressed, stressed or happy? How do you expect your roommate to behave when you are feeling any of these emotions?
- Which of your belongings can and cannot be borrowed?
- When are visitors and/or friends welcome? For how long?
- How neat do you both expect the room to be?
- What study habits will make both of you successful students?
- What, if any, food or other supplies will you be sharing?
Additional Tips:
- Respect one another! We don't expect all roommates to be the best of friends but we do expect you all to treat every person with respect.
- Do not hesitate to ask questions, whether it is with your roommate, Resident Assistant or Resident Director. Utilize your resources!
- All first-year students are given the opportunity to fill out a roommate contract during the first week of school. This contract can be review with an RA if desired.
Roommates' Rights and Responsibilities
As a member of this residential community, you possess certain individual rights and responsibilities which must be held in high regard. Below we outline the minimal requirements of our community and we encourage you to become familiar with them.
As a valued member of this residential community, you have the right to:
- Read and study free from undue interference, unreasonable noise and other distractions inhibiting the exercise of this right.
- Sleep without undue disturbance from noise and other distractions.
- Expect that others will respect your personal belongings.
- A clean environment in which to live.
- Free access to your room at all times.
- Personal privacy within the limits of the residential setting.
- Refuse guests in your room.
- Be free from fear of intimidation and physical or emotional harm.
- Discuss with your Resident Assistant or Resident Director any problems or concerns which may arise.
- Expect that these rights will be respected.
You also have the responsibility to:
- Verbally express your views to the person(s) involved in a respectful manner, should you feel your rights have been infringed upon.
- Treat your roommate(s) and other residents with respect and consideration.
- Be responsive to all reasonable requests of your roommate(s) and of fellow residents.
- Accept responsibility for personal and community safety.
- Discuss your expectations regarding guests. Remember, having guests is a privilege, not a right.
- Inform your guests of behavioral standards and expectations of both the college and your roommate(s).
- Guarantee the rights of your roommate(s) and fellow residents within your control.