Peace is not necessarily defined as just the absence of war, but as the presence of conditions for a sustainable peace.

In the peace studies program at Emmanuel, you will develop an understanding of the causes of global conflict, including political, social, economic and religious factors. You will also learn about nonviolent methods of reducing and resolving conflict and explore how these methods have been used in cases around the world, as well as in the U.S. You will also have an opportunity to intern with Boston-area organizations involved in working for peace at home and abroad.

The Curriculum

View the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog to find course titles, numbers and descriptions.

Requirements for a Minor in Peace Studies

  1. POLSC1401 Introduction to International Relations (SA) (SS)
  2. THRS2201 War, Peace and Religion (R) (RI) (SJ)
  3. A 3000-level seminar in Peace Studies

4.-6. Electives (choose three of the following from at least two different departments):

  • CCJ1203 Crime and Justice (SS)
  • HIST2120 Europe in the Era of World War (HI) (DM)
  • SOC2105 Race, Ethnicity and Group Relations (SA) (SS) (DM)
  • POLSC2411 The Contemporary Middle East and North Africa: Challenges and Promise OR POLSC3407 People and Politics of the Middle East and North Africia
  • POLSC3303 Street Democracy
  • POLSC3403 Human Issues in International Relations
  • POLSC3405 Negotiating Peace
  • SOC2205 War and Peace
  • SOC3205 Crimes Against Humanity 
  • THRS3133 Social Justice and Religious Traditions (RI) (SJ)
  • THRS3203 World Religions in Conflict and Dialogue (RCT) (RICT) (DM)