Spiritual direction is an opportunity for you to explore your spirituality and to develop a closer relationship with God.
Spiritual direction is a time-honored term for a conversation, ordinarily between two persons, in which one person consults another, more spiritually experienced person, called a spiritual director, about the ways in which God may be touching her or his life, directly or indirectly.
Spiritual direction is open to all students, faculty and staff of any faith tradition, at no charge.
You and your spiritual director will agree on a time to meet, usually once a month for an hour, talking one-on-one in a quiet space, usually in Emmanuel College’s Mission and Ministry office.
Spiritual direction can also be experienced in a small group. Students of all faith backgrounds are welcome to join a weekly Faith Sharing Group that occurs once a week throughout the fall and spring semesters. Contact the Mission and Ministry office for more information on group spiritual direction.
What students have said about spiritual direction:
“My spiritual director was great at listening to me and asking the right questions to lead me to a greater awareness of God in my life. It was a very comfortable and safe environment to explore my spirituality, and I am now more able to see where God is moving in my life more than I was before spiritual direction, and I have also learned new ways to connect with God through the guidance of my spiritual director.
“Spiritual direction has been an emotional and refreshing outlet for me. Spiritual direction essentially has been a release that has allowed me to be comfortable with who I am; as well as accept the fact that I cannot take on everything by myself and that it is okay to be vulnerable and share my fears with God. I would simply describe spiritual direction as a safe haven.
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