Personnel Training
Colleges are required to train all personnel involved in the Title IX process and publish training materials. During trainings for Emmanuel College personnel, staff reviews throughly the scope of the application of Title IX to college programs and activities, how to conduct a formal or informal process, and how to “serve impartially,” including avoidance of “prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.” The Emmanuel College Title IX Team participates in Title IX Training by Grand River Solutions each August.
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Training
Emmanuel College is required by law to have a written policies on sexual harassment and discrimination and to make employees aware of that policy. To ensure that employees fully understand those policies and discrimination in all its forms, we require all new faculty and staff to complete an online, web-based training program every three years.
Harassment Prevention
Emmanuel College's Harassment Prevention training courses take a multi-learning modality approach with modern professionally created videos, thought-provoking infographics, and engaging course activities. Training is research-based to focus on impact and behavior change by going beyond legal jargon.
Title IX / Clery
The Emmanuel College Title IX / Clery training introduces employees to the current Title IX requirements and the College's specific policies relating to mandated reporters.
Protecting Minors
Responsible employees exist because child abuse and neglect are often silent, hidden, and ignored. To recognize and report abuse and neglect effectively requires knowledge and attention.
Campus Safety Leadership Team Training
Emmanuel College has sexual assault investigators dual certified by the BU School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council. To learn more about the team, visit the Campus Safety Leadership page. Also, included on the Campus Safety pages is personal and safety information.
Student Trainings
Title IX/Sexual Assault Prevention
Voices for Change is an online learning experience that exceeds Title IX compliance to help build academic communities of engaged bystanders who can identify harmful situations, and have the motivation and skills needed to intervene.
With a focus on self-reflection and concept application, Voices for Change weaves bystander engagement and intervention throughout four topic areas that can be used independently or as a single, comprehensive course.
Culture of Respect Training
No Zebras, No Excuses: Addressing Sexual Aggression and Bystander Behavior is a performance-based intervention conducted by trained peer educators. The program consists of seven vignettes designed to replicate situations of sexual assault, drug facilitated sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and harassment.
Student groups on campus participate in a number of related training, starting at Orientation. In particular, student-athletes are required to be trained in:
- Understanding Title IX Defining Consent
- Learning How to be an Active Bystander
- Confronting Hate and Bias on Campus
Resident Assistants all complete the Understanding the Title IX & Bias & Hate Crime Policies training.
Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Program
The Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Program is taught by a certified Emmanuel College Campus Safety Officer and empowers students, faculty and staff to combat various types of assaults by providing realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. Schedules trainings are for those who self-identify as trans or cis women and/or nonbinary