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Over 60 students presented their research to classmates, faculty and staff Thursday, showcasing their dedication and expertise in their field of study to earn their distinction. Distinction in the Field Presentation Day is an annual Emmanuel tradition through which students conclude their academic research projects and present their findings.

The Distinction in the Field Presentation is an opportunity afforded to seniors with over a 3.5 grade point average (GPA) in their major – representative of the candidates’ commitment to academic excellence.

This year, presenting students represented over 20 majors, including biology, history, secondary education, political science, neuroscience and more.

Biology Major Samira Fawel '24

Fawel focused on the effectiveness of programs that support diversity in STEM at Emmanuel College.

The presentation, "Fostering Belonging: A Research Journey into Undergraduate Student Experiences in STEM at Emmanuel College," investigated disparities in student retention rates for STEM majors.

Fawel's research identified a sense of belonging as an important factor and indicated that on-campus support programs can have significant impacts. Her recommendations included further research and augmenting programs that foster peer connections.

Mathematics & Economics Major Jack Tata '24

Tata gave his distinction presentation, "Using Statistics to Understand the Currency Exchange Market" for his Mathematics major.

He compared the value of the dollar and other currencies around the world from the mid 2000's to 2022 and observed the trends. Using a variety of statistical methods, Tata observed the impacts of events like the recession and the pandemic and used the methods to predict future trends.

Distinction in the Field of Study Candidates


Brooke Thompson, Nursing
“Impact of Parental Substance Use on Children's Health and Nursing Interventions for Mitigating Risks”
Advisors Carol Femia, DNP, RNC; Deanna Faretra, BSN, RN-BC


Theresa Hennessey, Marketing
“Marketing In the Age of Artificial Intelligence”
Advisors: Kelly Basile, Ph.D.; Eric Siebert, M.B.A.

Cameron R. Howard, Economics
“The Economics of Appellate Litigation”
Advisor: Xirong Lin, Ph.D.

Gage Libby, Sports Management
“The Unintended Impacts of the Updated NCAA Transfer Portal on Student Athletes.”
Advisor: Daniel Holbrook, M.B.A.

Sarah R. McLane, Finance
“AI and its effect on finance”
Advisor: Leonard Guida, M.B.A.

Adom A. Oshagan, Economics
“Assessing the Impact of AI on the Job Market: A Comprehensive Analysis and Policy Recommendations”
Advisor: Xirong Lin, Ph.D.

Jake Penny, Economics
“The Impact of US Tariff Policy on Domestic Manufacturing Employment 2018-2024”
Advisor: Xirong Lin, Ph.D.

Divanni S. Polanco, Economics
“An analysis of the effects of information communications technology or ICT on the labor market”
Advisor: Xirong Lin, Ph.D.

Emmaline I. Riendeau, Economics
“The effects of climate change on food insecurity and agricultural trade in Tanzania”
Advisor: Xirong Lin, Ph.D.


Mia Puglia, Secondary Education
“Non-traditional Grading in Secondary School Settings”
Advisors: Miriam Gates, Ph.D.

Joshua Rainone, Secondary Education
“Scholarly Saints: A Training Program for Educators to Master their Skills in the Classroom”
Advisors: Deirdre Bradley-Turner, M.S.

Thomas Sullivan, Secondary Education
“Examining Declining Male Enrollment in American Undergraduate Institutions”
Advisors: Sr. Karen Hokanson, SNDdeN


Emily Anderson, History
“Nationalism as a Form of Oppression: The Case of Portugal”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D.

Meghan Arpin, Communication & Media Studies
“Social Media Political Discourse: Comparing Political Parties, Issue Scales, and Platforms”
Advisor: Caitlin Lawson, Ph.D.

Conor Bellone, History
“Hit the Road: Industrial America Rambling Around”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D. 

Emmalee Clark, Philosophy
“Democracy in the Balance: The Ethical Implications of Concentrated Media Ownership”
Advisor: Michelle Maiese, Ph.D.

Anne Costello, History
“You Are Feeling Good: Sots Art and a Reflection on Soviet Culture”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D. 

Elizabeth Derderian, History
“The Medici family : Detriments or Benefactors to Florence, Italy”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D.

Jennifer Dias, Writing, Editing, & Publishing
“Ethics and Narrative in Documentary Film”
Advisors: Kelly McGuire, Ph.D., Erich Doubek, Ph.D.

Trish Dinh, History
“India's National Icon: Mother Goddess, Bharat Mata”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D.

Connor Donnelly, Philosophy
“Multiculturalism and Internet Spaces”
Advisor: Michelle Maiese, Ph.D.

David Gydus, Modern Languages: Spanish
 “Living Contrasts: Spain vs. United States Lifestyle”
Advisor: Jose Alvarez-Fernandez, Ph.D.; Lauren Mitchell, Ph.D.

Caralynn E. Hampson, Theology & Religious Studies
“Born in Relation: Queer Kinship as an Essential Aspect of Baptism”
Advisor: Brianne Jacobs, Ph.D.

Jaylee E. Hiersche, English
“Nathan For or Against You: The Ethics of Postmodern Satire”
Advisor: David Palumbo, Ph.D.

Alyssa A. Hogan, Modern Languages: Spanish
 “Franco's Dictatorship on Spain Political memory”
Advisor: Jose Alvarez-Fernandez, Ph.D.; Anupamu Seshan, Ph.D.

Madeline Hollett, Philosophy
“Moving Away from Pop Feminism: Using Existentialist Thinking to Return to Radical Feminist Theory”
Advisor: Michelle Maiese, Ph.D.

Kenneth Laurent, History
“From Santo Domingo to Lawrence: History of a Dominican Migration”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D.

Brigid Moriarty, Modern Languages: Spanish
 “The Hispanic Experience in the U.S. Healthcare System”
Advisor: Jose Alvarez-Fernandez, Ph.D.; Anupamu Seshan, Ph.D.

Loren Skelly, English
“Seasons of Love: Lady Mary Wroth's Depiction of Constancy as Protofeminism”
Advisor: Kelly McGuire, Ph.D.

Caroline Tempesta, History
“Ensuring Humanity: The Geneva Convention and Refugees Of Genocide”
Advisor: Violette Ravagnoli, Ph.D.

Emma E. Willard, English
“The Implications of Gendered Language in an Ecocritical Reading of David Jones’s In Parenthesis”
Advisor: David Palumbo, Ph.D.; Kelly McGuire, Ph.D.

Leah Batarseh, Political Science
“The Progress of Women’s Rights in the Middle East: Empowering Women and Developing Society”
Advisors: Lenore Martin. Ph.D.; Laurie Johnston, Ph.D.

Thalia Capraro, Criminology & Criminal Justice
“Nonconsensual Pornography: Investigating Risk Factors and Policy Implications”
Advisors: Sultan Altikriti, Ph.D.; Janese Free, Ph.D.

Gabriella E. Dipietro, International Studies
“Economic Costs of Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia, Bangladesh, and Romania: The Impact of Female Subordination”
Advisors: Lenore Martin, Ph.D.; Florencia Gabriele, Ph.D.

Isabella Drago, Political Science
“From Camila Cabello to Charli D’Amelio: Popular Gen-Z Celebrities and Influencers as Agents of Political Socialization”
Advisors: Marie Natoli, Ph.D., J.D.; Adam Silver, Ph.D.

Jared Riley Iseler, History
“’Deliver Us from the Tyrant’s Chain’: Resistance, Protest, and Change by the Female Operatives of Lowell”
Advisor: William Leonard, Ph.D.

Catherine Kelleher, International Studies
“A Comparative Analysis of Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis”
Advisors: Lenore Martin. Ph.D.; Laurie Johnston, Ph.D.

Nicole Kendall, Criminology & Criminal Justice
“Police Officers’ Responses and Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence Calls”
Advisors: Janese Free, Ph.D.; Jeffrey Lopes, DLP

Mariana Kordorsky, Political Science
“The Intersection of Sports and Geopolitics: The Olympics as a Tool of Political Soft Power”
Advisors: Lenore Martin, Ph.D.; Adam Silver, Ph.D.

Kathryn Grace Leland, Sociology
“Alternative Recovery Support Services for Students: Spreading Awareness & Changing Perceptions of Recovery High Schools”
Advisor: Ivy Krull, Ph.D.

Ayden MacLeod, History
“Living Intentionally, Living Elsewhere: The Story of Communal Living in American History”
Advisor: William Leonard, Ph.D.

Alyson Grace Maye, International Studies
“Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Kenya and Egypt: Overview, Justifications, and the Path to Elimination”
Advisors: Lenore Martin, Ph.D.; Violetta Ravagnoli, Ph.D.

Ingrid O’Dell, Philosophy
“Humiliation as Fodder for Societal Oppression”
Advisor: Michelle Maiese, Ph.D.

Sarah Revis, Communication & Media Studies
“Classrooms, Rhetoric, and Twitter: The Impact of Anti-Critical Race Theory Discourse and Disinformation”
Advisor: Caitlin Lawson, Ph.D.

Erin Rosa, Criminology & Criminal Justice
“The Relationships among Educational Attainment, Incarceration, and Recidivism”
Advisors: Jeffrey Lopes, DLP; Sultan Altikriti, Ph.D.

Jonathan Torres-Lopez, History
“Rhymes and Crimes: Hip-Hop’s Delegitimization and Rise to Social Power in Contemporary Urban America”
Advisor: William Leonard, Ph.D.

Brooke Van Ackooy, International Studies
“Brazil’s Destructive Environmental Policy and its Effects on Indigenous Peoples: Can Indigenous Knowledge Help?”
Advisors: Lenore Martin, Ph.D.; Petros Vamvakas, Ph.D.


Christina Akut, Biology
“Lets get CERTIfied”
Advisor: Padraig Deighan, Ph.D.

Arlette Cabral, Biology
“Beneath the SKN: The Dual Regulation of Aging via SKN-1 and KLF-1 in C. elegans”
Advisor: Natalie Karagodsky, Ph.D.

Cosette Chesley, Chemistry
“Synthesis of tris-urea supramolecular hosts to capture reactive sulfur species”
Advisor: Michelle Watt, Ph.D.

Samira Fawel, Biology
“Fostering Belonging: A Research Journey into Undergraduate Student Experiences in STEM at Emmanuel College”
Advisor: Anupama Seshan, Ph.D.

Grace Gaultier, Biostatistics
“Lifestyle Choices of College Students”
Advisor: David Earls, Ph.D.

Anya Gemos, Neuroscience
“Investigating the Role of the Gut Microbiome on Neuroinflammation in an E46K Synucleinopathy Kindred”
Advisor: Melanie Leussis, Ph.D.

Kira Glasmacher, Biostatistics
“Deciphering Mutation Dynamics: A Computational Analysis of Selective Pressures in Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma”
Advisors: Yulia Dementieva, Ph.D.; Vincent Cannataro, Ph.D.

Ida Gnanou, Biology
“Does Eliminating B-cells cause A Vaginal Complaint?”
Advisor: Caroline Mitchell, M.D., M.P.H. Mass General Hospital

Sophia Jones, Psychology
“Body Image in Experienced and Novice Recreational Dancers”
Advisor: Linda Lin, Ph.D.

Patience Kassini, Biology
“Decoding the "FUN" of bacterial transcription factors”
Advisor: Padraig Deighan, Ph.D.

Ugne Kurdeikaite, Biology
“The Red Puzzle: Exploring the Power of Proteasomal Activity”
Advisor: Natalie Karagodsky, Ph.D.

Amanda Lorusso, Biology
“Characterizing diagnoses, treatment, and encephalopathic outcomes of the neonatal seizure population”
Advisor: Janet Soul, M.D.C.M., Harvard Medical School

Jennifer Madu, Biology
“Becoming BUDdies with the Mitotic Exit Network by investigating GEF and GTPase function in mutated yeast cells”
Advisor: Anupama Seshan, Ph.D.

Ava Mark, Biology
“Going With the Flow: Flow Cytometry Bead Array Assay for the Identification of miRNA and Cancer Detection”
Advisor: John Tigges, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Flow Cytometry Science Center

Lauren Menzel, Chemistry
“The Effect of Roadblocks on the DNA Target Search of NdeI”
Advisor: Allen Price, Ph.D.

Nathalie Merisca, Biology
“A MENace to society: Interaction Between LTE1 and TEM1 of Mitotic Exit Network Within S. cerevisiae​”
Advisor: Anupama Seshan, Ph.D.

Sophia Mirrione, Biology
“Imaging the Cerebrovascular Structure and Function in Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease​”
Advisor: Yi-Fen Yen, Ph.D., Mass General Hospital

Camila Moreno-Bo, Biology
“Unraveling the BCOR and Varient PRC1.1 Puzzle: Exploring Its Impact on Developmental in Drosophila​”
Advisor: Janel Cabrera, Ph.D.

Gavin Nolan, Neuroscience
“Investigating the neural correlates of complex patterned auditory stimulus exposure in mice”
Advisor: Elizabeth Crofton, Ph.D.

Katerina Pantaleo, Biology
“Transcriptional profiling of dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons following sciatic nerve injury”
Advisor: William Renthal, M.D., Ph.D. Harvard Medical School

Emily Pike, Biology
“Amyloid aggregation in bacteria”
Advisor: Padraig Deighan, Ph.D.

Angela Pillarella, Biology
“Waste Not, Want Not: Food Waste and Its Environmental Impact in the COF​”
Advisor: Adam Silver, Ph.D.

Sabrina Pires, Neuroscience
“The Effect of Noninvasive Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation and Visual Training on Cortical Blindness”
Advisor: Elizabeth Crofton, Ph.D.

Jessica Richa, Biology
“Taking the Bait: Capturing the interplay of a transcription termination protein with multiple RNA targets”
Advisor: Jason Kuehner, Ph.D.

Teagan Santoro, Biology
“Examining LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Emmanuel College Biology Courses”
Advisor: Janel Cabrera, Ph.D.

Enya Selders, Biology
“Tag, Turbo Is It: Using Proximity Labeling with TurboID to Study Polycomb Repressive Complexes in Drosophila”
Advisor: Janel Cabrera, Ph.D.

Giovanna Stefanini, Biology
“Determining how NRP2 expression is altered by mechanical stretch”
Advisor: Rosalyn Adam, Ph.D., Boston Children's Hospital

Mary Summers, Biology
“Synthesis of N-Furyl Bisaryl-Amidine for Sequence Specific Binding to Nucleic Acids”
Advisor: Michelle Watt, Ph.D.

Justin Talluto, Biology
“To bind or not to bind? Characterizing RNA-Protein interactions in transcription termination.”
Advisor: Jason Kuehner, Ph.D.

Jack Tata, Mathematics
“Using Statistics to Understand Currency Exchange Market”
Advisors: Yulia Dementieva, Ph.D.; Shuyi Jiang, Ph.D.

Hailey Young, Chemistry
“DNA origami nanostructures as biomimetic templates for calcium phosphate mineralization”
Advisor: Aren Gerdon, Ph.D.