For as long as I can remember I have been interested in the role of media in shaping our identities and our norms, and how our health can be impacted in the process. When asked about my area of specialization, I describe it as media psychology with a focus on health and well-being. I find this label successfully bridges the broad theory, topics, methodology, and publication venues I have used. In researching this topic, I have focused on two complementary areas: the psychological mechanisms of media effects and strategic communication campaigns to address health issues. I am particularly interested in the relationship between technology, emerging media and issues related to body image and addiction (e.g. drinking, smoking, drug use, etc.).

 I bring the media psychology framework into the classroom in all of my courses. In doing so, I strive to provide students with a solid foundation in media literacy, audience analysis, message creation, and strategic communication campaigns. In addition, experiential learning is a core tenant of my teaching philosophy. I strive to bridge theory with application across the curriculum so that students can apply their knowledge through hands-on, real-world projects.

What I Love About Emmanuel:

I love the energy that students bring into the classroom. It is clear that Emmanuel students are eager to learn and possess a contagious level of intellectual curiosity. I consistently find myself leaving the classroom feeling inspired.

Ph.D., Bowling Green State University; M.A., University of Rhode Island; B.A., Roger Williams University

  • COMM1502 Introduction to Media and Communication Studies
  • COMM2521 Public Relations and Persuasion
  • COMM2523 Advertising & Culture
  • COMM708 Digital Culture & Social Media Promotion
  • COMM3806 Health Communication
  • COMM4998 Communication & Media Studies Senior Seminar


  • Flynn, M. A. (2024). How ChatGPT will [insert hyperbolic cliché here] the [insert industry here]: Creating media literacy infographics about generative AI. Communication Teacher, 1–7.
  • Bergstrom, A., Craig, C., & Flynn, M. A. (2022). Eat Up? A Content Analysis of Gender Roles and Representations within Food Advertising. Journal of Magazine Media, 22, 85-111.
  • Flynn, M.A., Veilleux, E., & Stana, A. (2022). The impact of nature-related social media posts on connection to nature and well-being. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 5, 1-10.
  • Lin. L., FlynnM.A., & O’Dell, D. (2021). Measuring positive and negative body talk in men and women: The development and validation of the Body Talk Scale. Body Image, 37, 106-116.
  • Flynn, M.A., Lin, L., & Champigny, L. (2020). The Relationship between women’s peer and social networking site thinness discrepancies and body dissatisfaction. Southern Communication Journal, 85, 290-301
  • Flynn, M.A., Surprenant, T., Craig, C.M., & Bergstrom, A. (2020). Is it good for me? A content analysis of the healthiness of foods advertised in magazines. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 1-15
  • Lin, L., Roberge, A., & Flynn, M.A. (2020). Appearance-based praise and criticism: does the source matter? Communication Research Reports, 37, 149-160
  • Flynn, M.A., Cotchett, E., & Lin, L. (2020). The relationship between men’s peer and social media muscularity ideal discrepancies and body satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 1534-1553
  • Lin, L., Flynn, M.A., & Roberge, A. (2019).Hearing vs. engaging in negative body talk: an examination of adult men. Eating disorders, 27, 538-549
  • Craig, C., Flynn, M.A., & Bergstrom, A. (2019). So they claim: A content analysis of magazine food advertising techniques and branding. Journal of Magazine Media, 19, 72-97
  • Lin, L., Flynn, M. A., & Roberge, A. (2019). Hearing vs. engaging in negative body talk: An examination of adult men. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 22, 1-12.
  • Bergstrom, A., Flynn, M. A., & Craig, C (2018). Deconstructing Media in the College Classroom: A Longitudinal Critical Media Literacy Intervention. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10 (3), 113 - 131.
  • Flynn, M. A., Carter, E., & Craig, C. (2017). Let's get involved! The impact of service learning on drinking perceptions, alcohol use, and protective behaviors in college students. Journal of Drug Education.
  • Stana, A., Flynn, M. A., & Almeida, E. (2017). Battling the stigma: Combat veterans' use of social support in an online PTSD forum. International Journal of Men's Health, 16(1), 20-36.
  • Craig, C.M., Flynn, M.A., & Holody, K.J. (2017). Name dropping and product mentions: Branding in popular music lyrics. Journal of Promotion Management, 23, 258-276.
  • Holody, K. J., Anderson, C., Flynn, M. A., & Craig, C. (2016). Drunk in love: The portrayal of risk behavior in music lyrics. Journal of Health Communication, 21, 1098-1106.
  • Craig, C.M., Ngondo, P. S. & Flynn, M.A. (2016). How firm is your digital handshake?: Mission Statements & Transparency. Public Relations Review, 42, 692-694.
  • Flynn, M. A., Craig, C., Anderson, C., & Holody, K. J. (2016). Objectification in popular music lyrics: An examination of gender and genre differences. Sex Roles, 75, 164-176.
  • Flynn, M.A. (2016). The effects of body ideal profile pictures and friends' comments on social network site users' body image. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking, 19, 239-245.
  • Flynn, M. A., & Carter, E. (2015). Curriculum infusion of the social norms approach: Information only vs. service learning. Communication Education.
  • Flynn, M. A., Morin, D., Park, S., & Stana, A. (2015). Let's get this party started!: An analysis of health risk behavior on MTV reality television shows. Journal of Health Communication, 20, 1382-1390.
  • Flynn, M. A., Park, S., Morin, D., & Stana, A. (2015). Anything but real: Body idealization and objectification of MTV docusoap characters. Sex Roles, 72 173-182.
  • Park, S., Flynn, M. A., Stana, A., Morin, D., & Yun G. (2015). From Laguna Beach to Jersey Shore: A content analysis of minority characters on popular MTV reality shows. Howard Journal of Communication, 26, 381-402.
  • Morin, D., Flynn, M. A. (2014). We are the Tea Party!: The use of Facebook as an online political forum for the construction and maintenance of in-group identification. Communication Quarterly, 62, 115-133.
  • Flynn, M.A. & Stana, A. (2012). Social support in a men's online eating disorder forum. International Journal of Men's Health, 11(2).