Lenore G. Martin is Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies, at Emmanuel College in Boston, and an Associate of both the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University. She co-chairs the Middle East Seminar, at Harvard. She has received three Fulbright awards, the last one in 2010 as a Senior Fulbright Researcher at Middle East Technical University, working on Turkey and the Middle East. She has written books and numerous articles analyzing national security in the Gulf, the larger Middle East and Turkey, including: The Unstable Gulf: Threats from Within, Lexington Books 1984, New Frontiers in Middle East Security, edited, St. Martin’s/Palgrave 1999 and 2001, and The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, co-edited with Dimitris Keridis, MIT 2004.  In 2010, as a member of the Boston Study Group on Middle East Peace she co-authored, Israel and Palestine-Two States for Two Peoples: If Not Now, When? an on-line book with the Foreign Policy Association. From 1999-2017 she co-chaired the Seminar on Turkey in the Modern World at Harvard University. In 2012 and 2016 she spent the Trinity Term at St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford as a Senior Associate Member and Visiting Academic respectively. Dr. Martin has been on the editorial board of Turkish Studies since its inception in the spring of 2000 and was named to the editorial board of the Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in 2017.

Lenore G. Martin CV


What I Love About Emmanuel:

Emmanuel College provides a fantastic learning environment. The faculty and administration have one goal - to make our College the best possible place to learn, live and grow.

I most enjoy working with my students. They are bright, engaged and curious. We have great discussions in class and in my office. I have been lucky enough to have a number of sharp and energetic research assistants who helped me prepare papers for presentation and publication.

I am now coordinating the new Global and Public Health interdisciplinary minor at the college. This has allowed students to integrate the sciences, social sciences and humanities as we seek answers to the enormous health challenges facing the U.S. and the world.

Since so much of my work has centered on the Middle East and Turkey, it is clear to me that war has not brought us peace in the area. I have therefore begun to give negotiations and negotiation techniques more emphasis in my classes.

I very much enjoy bringing my research into my classes through photos, personal experiences and guest lectures with activists, negotiators, and scholars in many different parts of the world.

My students and I have taken advantage of our Boston location and the Kennedy Library for class work and research. We have also travelled to the U.N. seeking a route to peace through diplomacy. 

In the past, two of my students travelled with me to Turkey on a OneWorld Boston grant. We met some of the most important scholars, journalists and parliamentarians from every major political party as well as the US Ambassador to Turkey and Turkey's Minister of Finance. We also saw lots of Istanbul, Ephesus and Capadoccia. Best of all we had the opportunity to continue our work and to share our experience with the Emmanuel College community.

I look forward to more international trips in the future!

Ph.D., M.A., University of Chicago; B.A., Brooklyn College

  • POLSC1401 - Introduction to International Relations
  • POLSC2401 - American Foreign Policy
  • POLSC2409 - Politics of International Economic Relations
  • POLSC2411 - The Contemporary Middle East: Challenges and Promise
  • POLSC3405 - Strategies of War and Peace
  • POLSC3407 - Political Islam
  • POLSC3403 - Human Issues in International Relations
  • POLSC3164 - Senior Seminar and Internship



  • Winter 2004: The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, Lenore G. Martin and Dimitris Keridis eds. (MIT Press)
  • Winter 1999: New Frontiers in Middle East Security, Lenore G. Martin, editor (St. Martin's Press/Palgrave paperback, 2001)
  • Summer 1984: The Unstable Gulf: Threats From Within, Lenore G. Martin (Lexington Books, Lexington, MA)

Recent Presentations and Panels

  • March 14, 2023:“The Drivers of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East Under the AKP: Conflict and Cooperation” The Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
  • May 18, 2021: “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East: A Three dimensional Analysis”  Zoom panel on Turkish Foreign Policy in its Neighborhood, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy
  • April 7, 2021: “Turkish Foreign Policy: How Do We Explain It?”  Zoom panel on  Turkish Foreign Policy: Ideologies, Identities and Princples, International Studies Association
  • November 4, 2020: “Turkey and China: A Blooming Relationship?” Zoom panel, China and the World, Northeastern Political Science Association
  • September 24, 2020: Discussant, “Turkey’s Identity Politics Inside Out: From Foreign Policy to Pop Culture,” WCFIA-CMES Middle East Seminar, Harvard University
  • November 19, 2019: “U.S. Withdrawal: Implications for the Syrian Kurds and Middle Eastern Politics,” Panelist, Tufts University, Fletcher School, the Institute for Global Leadership
  • November 7, 2019: "The Transitioning Gulf System: What Role for Turkey?”  Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia
  • May 17, 2019: “Turkey and the Gulf: Addressing the Political-Economic Challenges of An Unstable Region,” Conference on China in the Middle East, and North Africa, Institute of Global Studies, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
  • May 24, 2019: “Turkey and the U.S. in the Middle East,” Shanghai Foreign Studies University, Shanghai, China
  • April 16, 2019: Chair and Discussant, Seminar on China and the Middle East in the 21st Century, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University
  • March 27, 2019: “Analyzing the State of Academic Studies of Turkish Foreign Policy,” on the panel titled, Studying Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Old Habits or New Paths? At the International Studies Association meeting in Toronto, Canada
  • November 17, 2018: “Analyzing A Tumultuous Relationship: Turkey and the U.S. In The Middle East,” Middle East Study Association, San Antonio, Texas
  • September 1, 2018 “The Turkish Electorate and Turkish-EU Relations: A Looming Crisis”, with Professor Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, on the panel Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
  • July 25, 2018 “Turkey and the Gulf: The New Dynamic” on the panel, Rethinking A Statecraft: Perspectives from Emerging Market Democracies, International Political Science Association Biannual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia
  • May 4, 2018 “The Challenge of Turkish Foreign Policy” on a panel on Human Rights and Hybrid Regimes, for the Inauguration of the Sakıp Sabancı CenterTurkish Studies, Columbia University
  • April 14, 2018: "Regional Politics and the New Sectarianism: Turkey," Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Belfer Center, conference  on Islam, Dialogue, and Sectarian-De-Escalation.
  • April 7, 2018: "Shifts in Turkish Foreign Policy: A Systems Analysis,"  Roundtable  on The Shift in Turkish Foreign Policy: Rules, Norms and Power Structures, International Studies Association, Annual Meeting 2018, San Francisco
  • April 4, 2018: "Principled Realism as a Solution to Violent Extremism in the Middle East?"  with Meliha Altunışık and Ersin Kalaycıoğlu, International Studies Association Annual Meeting 2018, San Francisco 
  • November 19, 2017: "A New Approach to Solving Turkey's Kurdish Issue," as part of the panel: From Hope to Disappointment to Hope?: The Failure ad Future Hope of Reconciliation Processes in Turkey. Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C.
  • November 11, 2017: "Can Track II Diplomacy Contribute to Reviving a Kurdish-Turkish Peace Process?" Northeast Political Science Association, Philadelphia
  • March 23, 2016: " The Neoliberal Relationship Between the Kurdish Regional Government and Turkey: Is there a Role for China?"  Conference on China in the Middle East, Qatar University, Qatar
  • March 16, 2016: "Turkey and the Middle East," Roundtable on Peace at Home Peace in the World: How Relevant in Turkish Foreign Policy? International Studies Association Meeting, Atlanta
  • November 23, 2015: "Turkey Under Siege, Inside and Out: The Regional Dimension," Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Harvard University
  • November 13, 2015: "Turkish Foreign Policy: The Kurdish Challenge," panel on Decision-Making and Cases of Foreign Policy, Northeast Political Science Association Meeting, Philadelphia
  • March 17, 2015: "Turkish -Chinese Bilateral and Multilateral SecurityCooperation, Conference on China in the Middle East, Peking University, Beijing, China
  • March 10, 2015: "China and Turkish Foreign Policy Through a Security Lens," Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China
  • February 20, 2015: "Turkey Has Read its Davutoglu But Has it Read its Morgenthau?" Roundtable: Realities and Delusions of 'Power' in Turkish Foreign Policy" International Studies Association, New Orleans
  • November 14, 2014: "The Kurds and Turkish Foreign Policy in a Tumultuous Middle East," Workshop on Turkish Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: The Human Dimension, Sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • August 6, 2014: "Gaza-Israel: Past-Present and Future" Civic Series, Cambridge, Mass.
  • March 28, 2014: "Turkey's Role in a Troubled Black Sea,"  Roundtable: Security Challenges in a Region of Regions, International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada
  • February 11, 2014: "Turkey at the Crossroads: The Political Impact of the Syrian Crisis in Turkey," World Boston, Boston Public Library
  • January 31, 2014: "The Political Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Turkey," Workshop on the Syrian Refugee Crisis and The Contiguous States, Boston University
  • November 16, 2013: "Turkey's Kurdish Conflict: Will the new Peace Process Succeed?" Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia (with Rebecca Marie Day and Leonidha Pulluqi)
  • July 30, 2013: Testimony, Massachusetts General Court on the Protests in Turkey
  • June 14, 2013:  "Turkish Foreign Policy: In an Evolving Middle East," Northwest University, Xi'an, China
  • June 9, 2013: " Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East: The Challenge of Turbulent Times," Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China
  • June 9, 2013: "Foreign Policy in a Changing World-The Challenge of the Syrian Crisis,"  Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China
  • May 2, 2013: "The Black Sea in Turkish Foreign Policy: Security, Politics and Energy," with Ronald H. Linden, University of Pittsburgh, EU Center of Excellence/European Studies Center conference on The Changing Security Environment of the Black Sea.
  • June 14, 2012: "What Does a Restructing Middle East Mean for Turkey, the US and Their Foreign Policies?" St Antony's College, University of Oxford
  • March 29, 2012: "Turkey and the US in a Bipolarizing Middle East," Koc University, Istanbul, conference on Turkish American Alliance in A Volatile Region: Challenges and Opportunities
  • September 23, 2011: "Structural Challenges to Security and Cooperation in the Black Sea Region," Keynote address, NATO sponsored conference on the Black Sea at Middle East Technical University, Ankara
  • June 23, 2011: Panelist, "Turkey and Iran," The Middle East Institute, The Second Annual Conference on Turkey, Washington, D.C.
  • March 13, 2011: Speaker, "Turkey-Israel Relations," Workshop on Turkey-Israel, Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv University
  • November 4, 2010: "Recalibrating Turkish Foreign Policy: Turkey, the US and the Middle East," co-sponsored by The Seminar on Turkey in the Modern World and The Middle East Seminar, Harvard University

Interview Samples

Articles and Chapters

  • 2023: “The plight of Turkey’s minorities: what obstacles and opportunities exist for equal citizenship beyond the Republic’s centennial?”Turkish Studies, online ahead of print publication. DOI:10.1080/14683849.2023.2168193
  • 2023: “Türkiye ve Çin Akdeniz’de Ortak mı,” in Türkiye Siyasetinin Sınırları: Siyasal Davranış, Kuramlar ve Kültür – Ersin Kalaycıoğlu’na Armağan, edited by Ali Çarkoğlu, Emre Erdoğan, and Mert Moral, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları,  pp. 531-549.  (“Turkey and China: Partners in the Mediterranean?” in Frontiers of Politics, Political Behavior, Theories and Culture- A Tribute to Ersin Kalaycıoğlu  edited by Ali Çarkoğlu, Emre Erdoğan, and Mert Moral, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, pp 531-549)
  • 2022: “Constructing A Realistic Paradigm To Explain Turkish-US Relations,” Turkish Studies, Vol 23, No 5 (December 2022) DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2022.2077102
  • 2019: “Analysing a Tumultuous Relationship: Turkey and the US in the Middle East,” Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2 https://doi.org/10.1080/25765949.2019.1605571
  • 2017: "A New Track Towards Resolving Turkey's Kurdish Issue," Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol 11, No.2, 1-13
  • 2016: "Turkish - Chinese Bilateral and Multilateral Security Cooperation," Sociology of Islam Journal, 2016: 1/2
    2014: "Turkey's Challenges," Great Decisions, Foreign Policy Association, New York, NY.
  • 2013: "Turkey and the USA in Bipolarizing Middle East," Journal of Balkans and Near Eastern Studies, Vol 15, No. 2, April 2013
  • 2012: "Turkish Foreign Policy in the New World Order," in Metin Heper and Sabri Sayari, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, Routledge
  • December 2011: "Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle East Under the AKP," Turkish Studies, Vol 12, No. 4, December 2011 with Meliha Altunisik
  • March 2010: Berger, A., Cox, H., Kelman, H.C., L.G., Mendelsohn, E., Norton, A.R., Steiner, H., & Walt in A. Berger et al., Israel and Palestine-Two states for two peoples: If not now, when? (pp. 1-14)
  • March 2010: Kelman, H.C., & Martin, L.G. Palestinian refugees in A. Berger et al., Israel and Palestine-Two states for two peoples: If not now when? (pp. 15-22).
  • 2009: "U.S. Relations With Turkey," in Robert Looney, editor. A Handbook of U.S.-Middle East, (Routledge)
  • March 2009: "Turkey and the Gulf," Turkish Studies
  •  March 2009: "Introduction: Turkey as a Trans-Regional Actor," Turkish Studies
  • July 2004: "Middle East Overview," Citizen's Guide to U.S. Foreign Policy, N.Y.: Foreign Policy Association, pp.53-72
  • Winter 2004: "Turkey's Middle East Foreign Policy: Unresolved Dilemmas", in Lenore G. Martin and Dimitris Keridis, eds. The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy
  •  July 2003: "Assessing the Impact of U.S.- Israeli Relations on the Arab World," Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks
  • Fall 2002: "Conceptualizing Security in the Middle East: Israel and a Palestinian State," in Tami Jacoby and Brent Sasley, eds., Redefining Security in the Middle East (Manchester University Press)
  • Spring 2002: "Arafat's Dueling Dilemmas: Succession and the Peace Process", in Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal, vol. 6 no. 1 (March 2002)
  • Spring 2002: "Türkiye ve Günümüzde Orta Dogu: Ulusal Güvenlik Arayisi" ("Turkey and the Contemporary Middle East: The Search for National Security"), in Project Türk, Istanbul
  • Spring 2000: "Turkey's Security in the Middle East", Turkish Studies, vol I, no. 1, Spring 2000
  • 2017-present Editorial Board, Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
  • 1999-present Editorial Board, Turkish Studies Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
  • 2016 St Antony's College, University of Oxford, Academic Visitor, Trinity Term
  • 2012 St Antony's College, University of Oxford, Senior Associate Member, Trinity Term
  • 2010 Fullbright Senior Researcher, Turkey
  • 2009-2013  Louise Doherty Wyant Chair, Emmanuel College 2009-2013
  • 2006 Fulbright Senior Specialist, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, for development of the Middle East Studies program
  • 2005 Fulbright Senior Specialist, Middle East Technical University, Ankara for preliminary work on developing a Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  • 2003 Kuwait Research Fund, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University for research on Kuwait's national security
  • 2002 Emmanuel College, Faculty Development Grant
  • 1997 Maurice Pechet Foundation grant for research in Turkey, Israel and Syria
  • 1996 Rockefeller Foundation grant for use of Bellagio Conference and Study Center for project on New Frontiers in Middle East Security
  • 1995 Emmanuel College Faculty Excellence Award
  • 1993-1996 Maurice Pechet Foundation grant for project on Middle East security issues
  • 1990-1991 Maurice Pechet Foundation grant for research on the International Implications of a Palestinian State. Research travel to Oman, UAE, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the Occupied Territories
  • 1988 Research Institute for Medicine and Chemistry grant for research on Egypt and the Gulf. Research travel to Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the Occupied Territories Summer
  • 1986 Maurice Pechet Foundation grant for research in the Middle East. Research travel to Egypt, Israel and the Occupied Territories Spring
  • 1982 Faculty Development Grant from Emmanuel College