Kelly Basile
Associate Professor of Management - Chair
I received by Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2014. Prior to coming to Emmanuel, I worked at Harvard Business School on a global, multi-method research project on leadership with senior leaders in a leading multinational technology organization. In addition to my academic research experience, I also worked in commercial research and consulting for over a decade and was involved in the design and implementation of hundreds of qualitative and quantitative research projects across a range of public and private industry sectors.
What I Love About Emmanuel:
I love that students are able to engage in a diverse liberal arts curriculum within a small supportive college environment. I also love that Emmanuel offers this environment, while at the same time being located in the heart of Boston.
Ph.D., London School of Economics; M.B.A., Babson College; M.S.W., Boston University; B.A. Sociology, Boston College
I teach Introduction to Business, Leadership Person and Process, Management Internship, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources Management.
Jing Yang and Kelly Basile (2021), “Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: External Stakeholder Involvement, Productivity and Firm Performance”, accepted to Journal of Business Ethics, in press.
Beauregard, T.A., Basile, K.A. and Thompson, Organizational Culture in the Context of National Culture. (2018) In Shockley, K., Winny Shen and Ryan Johnson (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work-Family Interface. (FORTHCOMING)
Basile, K. and Beauregard, A. (2016). "Strategies for successful telework: How effective employees manage work/home boundaries." Strategic HR Review, 15 (3): 106-111.
Beauregard, A., Basile, K. and Canonico, E. (2013) "Home is where the work is: A New study of homeworking at Acas and Beyond"
My research interests are focused on the boundary conditions between work and non-work activities, as well as more recently on global leadership and cross-cultural management.