Catherine Bueker
Professor of Sociology

Emmanuel College, Associate Professor & Chair 2013-present
Harvard University, Visiting Scholar & Associate Professor 2015-2016
Harvard University, Visiting Associate Professor Fall 2013
Emmanuel College, Assistant Professor & Chair 2011-2013
Emmanuel College, Assistant Professor 2007-2011
Emmanuel College, Visiting Assistant Professor 2006-2007
Brown University, Teaching Assistant 1999-2002
Brown University, Instructor 1999-2000
What I Love About Emmanuel:
I have been at Emmanuel since 2006 and what I have consistently loved the most are the students. They are interested, engaged, and passionate about the world around them. I see this in the students in my classes, those with whom I work, and those I just meet in the halls.
Ph.D., M.A. Brown University; B.A., Cornell University
- FYS: Worlds of Boston, Part + Present
- Sociology 1101: Introduction to the Social World
- Sociology 1105: Major Institutions in U.S. Society
- Sociology 2113: Methods of Social Research
- Sociology 2127: Social Class and Inequality
- Sociology 3103: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
- Sociology 3201: Worlds in Motion: The Causes and Consequences of Migration
- 2017. The Experiences of Women of Color in an Elite U.S. Public High-School. New York: Pelgrave-MacMillan.
- 2006. From Immigrant to Naturalized Citizen: Political Incorporation in the United States. New York: LFB Publishing.
Articles, Book Chapters, Essays:
- 2017. "Racialized Geographies: Geographic Misplacement & Imagined Geographies of Young Women of Color in an Elite, White Public High School." Under Review.
- 2017. "You're in the Basement of this Grand House that You Don't Even Know You're in the Basement of: How Point of Access into an Elite, White High School Impacts Habitus Reformation and Elite Cultural Capital Acquisition among Women of Color." Under Review.
- 2017. "Resources for Resistance: The Role of Dominant and Non-Dominant Forms of Cultural Capital in Resistance among Young Women of Color in a Predominantly White Public High School." In The Power of Resistance.Rowhea Elmsky and Carol Camp Yeakey (editors). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
- 2015. "Citizenship." In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. John Stone and Xiaoshuo Hou (editors). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- 2015. "Immigrants and Welfare." In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. John Stone and Xiaoshuo Hou (editors). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- 2013. "Politics." Sociology in the Fastlane. Dubuque, IA: By Pass Publishing (Division of Kendall Hunt Publishing).
- 2013. With Križ, K. "Domestic Public Policy and Transnational Ties: Immigrants' Transnational Allocations of the Earned Income Tax Credit". Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-013-0289-1.
- 2013. "What Wakes the Sleeping Giant? The Effect of State Context on Latino Voter Turnout in the 2004 Election," The Journal of Latino Studies, XI(3).
- 2013. "'Leads' to Expanded Social Networks, Increased Civic Engagement, and Divisions within a Community: The Role of Dogs." Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, special issue on Redefining Social Welfare: Connections across Species.
- 2011. "Resources, Relevance, and Relationships: Differential Motivations behind Local Civic Engagement over Park Usage." New England Journal of Political Science, 5(2).
- 2009. "The Limits of Political Citizenship." Society, 6(5). Invited submission for issue focusing on immigration debate.
- 2008. "Civic Incorporation." In Battleground Immigration, Judith Warner (ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
- 2005. "Making the Grade: The Performance of Former Reading Recovery Children on the Third Grade MCAS Exam." The Journal of Reading Recovery, fall: 64-68.
- 2005. "The Political Incorporation among Immigrants from Ten Areas of Origin." International Migration Review, 39(149):103-140.
- 2005. "Teacher's Reports of the Effects of a Whole-School Literacy Reform on Teacher Turnover." The Elementary School Journal, 105(4):395-416.
- 2004. "The Personal is Political: The Relationship Between Marital Status and Immigrant Political Incorporation." The Electronic Journal of Sociology, 7
- Organized session on "Immigrants in Boston" at the Eastern Sociological Society's Annual Conference (Boston, MA, March 2013)
- Presented ""Domestic Public Policy and Transnational Ties: Immigrants' Transnational Allocations of the Earned Income Tax Credit" at the Eastern Sociological Society's Annual Conference (Boston, MA, March 2013)
- Invited lecture, "Latino Political Participation in the Presidential Election" at Roger Williams College (Bristol, RI, October 2012)
- Invited speaker at the National Immigrant Integration Conference, sponsored by the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (Boston, MA, October 2010)
- Presented "Political Attitudes and Behaviors of College Students in the 2008 Presidential Election" at the Emmanuel College Faculty Research Seminar (November, 2009)
- Presented "Identifying Predictors of Voter Participation and Candidate Choice among College Students in the 2008 Presidential Election" at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association w/ Haley Byrnes and Lauren Harris (San Francisco, CA, August 2009)
- Presented "Turning out to Vote and Turning out the Vote: The Role of Political Context in the 2004 Presidential Election," at the Migration and Immigrant Incorporation Workshop (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, September 2008)
- Presented "Turning out to Vote and Turning out the Vote: The Role of Competitive Races on Voter Turnout among the Naturalized and Native-Born in the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections," at The Center for Research on Nationality, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (University of Surrey, Guilford, UK, June 2008)
- Presented "A Search for Political Voice? Informal Political Activity among Immigrants," at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association (New York, NY, August 2007)
- Presented "Teachers' Responses to a Whole-School Literacy Reform Model: Results from Two Formative Studies," at the Conference of the American Educational Research Association w/ Linda Caswell (Montreal, Canada, March 2005)
- Presented "Two Years After...The Performance of Former Reading Recovery Students on the 3rd Grade MCAS Exam," at the March 2004 Conference of the Massachusetts Reading Association (Sturbridge, MA, March 2004)
- Presented "The Personal is Political: The Relationship between Marital Status and Political Participation," at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association (Atlanta, GA, August 2003)
- Presented "The Impact of Immigration on Residential Segregation: A Follow-Up," at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association w/ Prof. Michael White & Prof. Jennifer Glick (Chicago, IL, August 2002)
- Presented "Immigrants in the Voting Booth," at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association (Anaheim, CA, August 2001)
- Presented "Spatial Effects on the Dynamics of Food Stamp Participation," at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association w/ Prof. Hilary Silver & Prof. David Lindstrom (Anaheim, CA, August 2001)
- Presented "The Dynamics of Food Stamp Participation," at the USDA Small Grants Conference w/ Prof. Hilary Silver & Prof. David Lindstrom (Washington, D.C., October 2000)
- Presented "Gender and Citizenship: The Impact of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act on Naturalization," at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association (Washington, D.C., August 2000)
- Nominated for the Emmanuel College Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, 2017
$49,745 from the Spencer Foundation, Education and Social Opportunity Project for "The Intersection of Residential Arrangements and Schooling: A Comparison of Three Groups of Lower Income Women of Color in a High Income School District," 2014-2016 - Nominated for the Emmanuel College Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, 2011
- Recipient of the Emmanuel College Campus Life Award, 2010
- $3,000 Grant from Emmanuel College to increase diversity in ccurriculum, developed "The Immigration Experience," 2007.
- $5,000 Reading Recovery Council of North America Research Grant to study programmatic outcomes by ethnicity, 2004-2005.
- Brown University Dissertation Fellowship, 2002-2003.
- Presidential Award in Teaching Excellence, Honorable Mention, Brown University, 2000-2001.
- Alden Spear Jr. Memorial Award for Outstanding Master's Thesis, Brown University, 2000.
- Brown University Fellowship, 1998-1999.
- Distinction in All Subjects, Cornell University, 1996.
- Dean's List, Cornell University, 1995-1996.
My research focuses on the ways in which people engage civically and politically in American society and how they become a part of the public sphere. I have historically focused on the political incorporation of immigrants, via citizenship acquisition and voter turnout, but I also examine how native-born Americans engage. I have studied everything from Latino voter turnout in presidential elections to how residents of a small town publicly engage over the use of public space. I am currently working on a chapter entitled "Politics" for an introduction to sociology textbook (Kendall Hunt), as well as essays on "Citizenship" and "Immigrants and Welfare" for The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism (Wiley-Blackwell).