Sociology is not just about the study of society, but acting to improve on it for all concerned.

The implications of social inequality take many forms, through noticeable disparities in wealth, healthcare, education, housing, political power, cultural influence and more. In this concentration, you will pay special attention to the origins and consequences of these systems; whether globalization has increased prosperity or created further inequities; as well as the social constructs of race, the accessibility of health care, the public policies that have (and have not) been put into place to address inequality; and the ethics of peace and resolving conflict.

The Curriculum

View the 2023-2024 Academic Catalog to find course titles, numbers and descriptions.

Requirements for B.A. in Sociology with a Concentration in Social Inequality & Social Justice

Six sociology core courses

  • SOC1101 Introduction to Sociology: Analysis of Society in Global Perspective (SA) (SS)
  • SOC2103 Qualitative Methods
  • SOC2104 Quantitative Methods (SS)
  • SOC3101 Theories of Society
  • SOC4194 Internship in Sociology
  • SOC4999 Seminar in Sociology OR SOC4988 Community Action Research (SJ)

In addition to the following requirements for concentration:

  • SOC2127 Social Class and Inequality (SA)
  • SOC3115 The Sociology of Globalization

Three electives must be chosen from the following:

  • SOC1105 Major Institutions in U.S. Society (SA) (SS)
  • SOC2102 Sociology of Boston (SA) (SS)
  • SOC2105 Race, Ethnicity and Group Relations (SA) (SS) (DM)
  • SOC2123 Health Care: Systems, Structures and Cultures
  • SOC2131 Catholic Social Teaching (RCT) (RICT) (SJ)
  • SOC2201 Practice of Social Policy 
  • SOC2205 War and Peace
  • SOC3201 Worlds in Motion: The Causes and Consequences of Migration

Recommended courses:

  • ECON2113/POLSC2409 The Politics of International Economic Relations (SS)
  • THRS3133 Social Justice and Religious Traditions (R)(RI)(SJ)

At the completion of the Sociology major, the student will:

  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the sociological perspective and the sociological imagination in our understanding of social reality.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of sociological theories, paradigms, and concepts.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of sociological research methods.
  • Acquire intellectual and professional skills. 
  • Apply sociological concepts to micro and macro issues of inequality, diversity, and globalization.
  • Develop an appreciation of social justice concerns.