Develop the skills inherent in visual language and communication through digital tools, interactive design, information architecture, and navigation with an eye to a new generation of information consumers.

The relatively new field of Digital History brings academic scholarship to a wider audience through new technologies. In collaboration with the Art Department, this concentration allows you to use digital media to further historical research and analysis, as well as to present an historical argument using media technologies and tools such as digitization, podcasts, blogs, database searches, text analysis, data visualization, mapping, digital scholarship and publishing, and digital pedagogy.

The Curriculum

View the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog to find course titles, numbers and descriptions.

Requirements for B.A. in History with a concentration in Digital History

Choose three 1000-level history courses

  • HIST1105 United States History to 1877 (H) (HI)
  • HIST1106 United States History Since 1877 (H) (HI)
  • HIST1107 African History: Themes (H) (HI)
  • HIST1108 World History to 1500 (H) (HI) (DM)
  • HIST1109 Modern World History (H) (HI)
  • HIST1111 An Introduction to East Asian History (HI) (DM)
  • HIST1114 Creating the Atlantic World (HI)

Required Courses

  • ART1407 Visual Language for Design and Communication (AI-A) (VCI)
  • IDDS1000 Digital Citizenship (SI) (SS) OR IDDS1101 Introduction to Programming (QA) (QR)
  • HIST2101 Introduction to Digital History (H) (HI)
  • HIST2701 Historical Methods and Research (WI)
  • HIST4000 Senior Seminar
  • Three additional HIST courses, two of which must be at the 3000-level
  • ART3402 Interactive Design OR ART3431 Motion Graphics and Digital Animation
  • HIST4194 History Internship

Highly Recommended Course

  • ART3531 Stories in Motion

The Digital History Concentration provides students with a depth of knowledge in the discipline of History, encouraging students to represent it in a dynamic and engaging manner.  The Digital History Concentration also would offer transferrable skills to students across the College. Students from any discipline could apply the skills they learn with this Concentration:

  • Digital History Literacy: to apply traditional historical skills - reading, writing, analysis, and evaluation - using digital tools
  • Analysis: to compose an original argument based on primary and secondary sources through the use of digital history platforms, databases, methods, and techniques
  • Visualization: to clearly and accurately communicate ideas, research, and pedagogy via digital history tools and techniques to the larger public

What can I do with a degree in digital history?

A major in digital history combines traditional historical research methods with new digital technologies to create innovative ways of studying and presenting history. Here are some potential career paths for someone with a major in digital history:

  • Digital historian: A digital historian uses digital technologies to research, analyze, and present historical information. This may include creating digital exhibits, developing online archives, and using data visualization tools to present historical data.
  • Museum curator: A museum curator with a background in digital history may be responsible for developing and managing digital exhibits and archives, as well as traditional exhibits.
  • Archivist: An archivist with a specialization in digital history may be responsible for managing and preserving digital archives, as well as developing digital preservation strategies and workflows.
  • Academic researcher: A major in digital history can prepare students for graduate study in history, digital humanities, or related fields, where they can pursue research and academic careers.
  • Educator: A digital historian may also work in education, developing digital tools and resources to help teachers and students learn about history in new and engaging ways.

Overall, a major in digital history can prepare students for a variety of careers that combine traditional historical research skills with cutting-edge digital technologies.