The Office of Institutional Research coordinates Emmanuel's participation in institutional survey research. Several major surveys are administered at Emmanuel on a scheduled basis, either annually or in rotation with other surveys. The overarching purpose of these surveys is to establish regular opportunities for prospective, current and former students to provide direct, comprehensive quantitative and qualitative feedback about their backgrounds, characteristics, experiences and outcomes.
The results from these surveys are used to inform and enhance our institutional planning and decision-making efforts, both at institutional and departmental levels. Amongst other things, taken together the results of such surveys helps Emmanuel to understand the quality of its programs and services, the nature of faculty-student and staff-student interactions, the hopes of incoming students, the priorities and satisfaction of current students, the aspirations and destinations of exiting students, and the value of many facets of the Emmanuel College experience. National surveys that the College participates in also offer the additional benefit of providing us with data from other institutions, which Emmanuel can then use to benchmark ourselves against peer institutions as well as national norms.
On occasion, Emmanuel will also administer ad-hoc surveys to respond to particular issues or needs. For example in spring 2016 and spring 2020 the College (sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs and the Counseling Center) administered the Healthy Minds Survey to gather data that would allow us to evaluate the mental health needs on our campus.
College Surveys
Collects data about entering students' prior academic and co-curricular experiences, as well as their expectations for participating in educationally purposeful activities during the coming college year.
Collects data about first-year and senior students' participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.
Measures student satisfaction (alongside perceived importance) with a variety of academic, social and service dimensions of the College.
To gather information about our graduate's post-graduation activities (in particular, employment and graduate school information), as well as information about their academic and social experiences at Emmanuel.
Maps the career and educational trajectories of former students, allowing them to reflect on the academic, social and spiritual preparation provided by the College, particularly the degree to which such preparation has served them professionally. Also provides valuable information regarding alumni engagement and connection to Emmanuel today.
Provides students an opportunity to give comprehensive feedback regarding why they enrolled in a particular course, their feedback on the instructor(s) and the course content, as well as their personal reflections on what they got out of the course, it's strengths and areas for improvement.