Emmanuel College is committed to ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all students.
In compliance with the 2021 Campus Sexual Assault Law in Massachusetts, the College administers the Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey. This survey is a vital initiative to address campus responses to sexual misconduct.
As one of the first state laws of its kind, the survey aims to collect valuable information on the prevalence of sexual misconduct, student awareness of reporting practices, and available resources. Your input is crucial in shaping policies and support systems.
Together, let's foster a community where everyone feels heard and protected. Your participation matters.
The 2024 survey ran for four weeks, from Monday, February 26th, through Friday, March 22nd.
Survey results can be found here: Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey Results
Resources & Support
We want to remind you of our on-campus Title IX resources:
Questions about the survey? Find answers to frequently asked questions below.
Under section 168D of chapter 6 of the Massachusetts General Laws, originally passed by the General Court in the special law known as the 2021 Campus Sexual Assault Law (CSAL), all private and public higher education institutions in Massachusetts must now conduct a campus sexual misconduct climate survey of all students at the institution not less than every four years and post a summary of the results on their website within 120 days of completion and analysis. This sexual misconduct climate survey should collect anonymous responses and prohibit the disclosure of identifying information. The first survey must be administered by August 2025.
The survey was created using the model questions recommended by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, alongside advocates and experts who serves on the Task Force on Sexual Misconduct Surveys. The Task Force recommends using certain modules of the Administrator Researcher Campus Climate Collaborative (ARC3) survey instrument, with some modifications and/or supplementation to comply with the mandates of the MA Statute and current research and the best practices around culturally competent, trauma-informed inquires.
The law specifies that this survey asks students for information related to topics including, but not limited to, the following:
1. The prevalence of sexual misconduct on campus. The MA statute defines “sexual misconduct” to include: a. sexual violence b. dating violence c. domestic violence d. gender-based violence e. violence based on sexual orientation f. violence based on gender identity or expression g. sexual assault h. stalking i. sexual harassment.
2. Student knowledge of and familiarity with campus practices for reporting and addressing sexual misconduct.
3. Services available to victims of sexual misconduct.
The survey also asks demographic questions (e.g. gender, race-ethnicity etc…) so we can understand how opinions and experiences differ by particular self‐reported identities. All of these questions are optional.
This survey contains detailed references to sexual violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual harassment. Some of the language is explicit and may be uncomfortable and upsetting, but it is important to ask the questions in this way so that the meaning is clear. You can skip any question that you do not want to answer, or stop participation at any time. Should you wish to talk with someone about your experiences, you can access information about campus, local, and national resources for unwanted sexual misconduct at any point in the survey by clicking on this link: Resources This resource link will also be available at the bottom of each page of the survey.
Understanding the experiences that our students have had with sexual misconduct is necessary to inform institutional policies and practices and ensure that Emmanuel College is providing a safe environment in which all our students can learn. Sexual violence, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence can interfere with a student's academic performance and emotional and physical well-being. Every student at Emmanuel has a right to an education free from discrimination and Emmanuel is committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to fully benefit from the college’s programs and activities.
Yes. Your responses are important in assessing the overall climate at Emmanuel College. If only survivors of sexual misconduct participate in the survey, we will have an incomplete view of the student experience at Emmanuel College. To get a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of what is happening in our community, we need to hear from as many students as possible.
The survey will be available online to complete from 12.00am on Monday the 26th of February until 11.59pm on Friday the 22nd of March. On Monday the 26th of February students will receive an e-mail invitation from Dr. Jenn Forry (Vice President of Student Affairs) and Erin Farmer Noonan (Vice President of Human Resources and Emmanuel’s Title IX Coordinator) to participate in the survey. Once the survey link in the email is clicked, students will directly enter the survey. Subsequent email reminders will be sent.
A student may take the survey at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on any computer or mobile device. Internet access is required.
This survey should take most people approximately 20 minutes to complete. It may take up to 30 minutes for some individuals depending on their responses.
Yes. While we encourage you to complete the survey in one sitting, the survey is configured to allow you to stop and return to it a later point, as long as you use the same internet browser (on the same device) and you do not clear your browser cookies.
All Emmanuel students 18 years of age or older who are enrolled in (in-person, hybrid, or online) Emmanuel classes in the spring 2024 semester are invited to participate in this survey. Emmanuel students who are on a leave of absence or who are studying abroad for the spring 2024 semester will not be emailed a link to this survey (as is consistent with other institutional survey administrations).
Participation in this survey is voluntary. You do NOT have to participate in this survey, but we hope you will consider the importance of anonymously sharing your views and experiences.
No. All questions in the survey are optional. You may stop taking the survey at any time or you can choose not to answer particular questions. You can skip any questions you are not comfortable answering. You may navigate through the survey items using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons on the survey pages. Even if you choose not to answer every question, we encourage you to go through all of the items in the survey and click “Next” at the end of the survey so that the responses you do provide can be recorded.
There are no consequences if you choose not to participate in the survey. Information on who completed the survey (and who did not) will not be available to Emmanuel College.
Yes. The purpose of the survey is to get candid feedback. Survey responses are anonymous and cannot be linked to any individual participant. Emmanuel College will not ask for, or track, any personal information (including name, email address, student ID number or IP address) when you complete this survey. The information collected in this survey will only be shared in aggregate form so no individual can be identified. Any reports or publications based on this survey will use only group data and will not identify you or any individual. The raw survey responses will only be available to staff members in Emmanuel’s Office of Institutional Research.
The information you provide via this survey will be used to inform and improve supportive measures, policies and practices at Emmanuel College and will not be used to investigate specific individuals. Disclosing a sexual misconduct incident in this survey does not constitute reporting the incident to Emmanuel College and will not result in any action, disciplinary or otherwise. To initiate a Formal Complaint, the Complainant or Title IX Coordinator must file a document alleging sexual harassment against a Respondent and requesting that the College investigate the allegation of sexual harassment. A Complainant may only file a Formal Complaint under this policy if the Complainant is participating in or attempting to participate in an education program or activity of the College. Please do not include your name or accuse anyone of sexual misconduct by name in your survey responses. Please use Emmanuel College's reporting procedures if you wish you report an incident of sexual misconduct. These can be found here: Emmanuel College Title IX Reporting Procedures
Yes. Within 120 days of after completion and analysis, Emmanuel College will post a summary of the survey results in aggregate on the Emmanuel College website.
If you need any technical assistance with the survey, or have issues accessing it, please contact Dr Alison Vallereux (Executive Director of Institutional Research): vallereuxa [at] emmanuel.edu (vallereuxa[at]emmanuel[dot]edu) or Room L-310.
If you have any other questions or you want to talk to someone about this survey, you can contact any of the following Emmanuel administrators via email or in-person (please note that email is not a confidential form of communication):
1. Erin Farmer Noonan (Vice President of Human Resources, Risk Management, Compliance and Title IX Coordinator): farmer [at] emmanuel.edu (farmer[at]emmanuel[dot]edu) or Room EAB-336C
2. Keith Lezama (Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion/Chief Diversity Officer and Deputy Title IX Coordinator): lezamak3 [at] emmanuel.edu (lezamak3[at]emmanuel[dot]edu) or Room EAB 153E
3. Dr. Jennifer Forry (Vice President of Student Affairs): forryj [at] emmanuel.edu (forryj[at]emmanuel[dot]edu) or Room EAB-151D
4. Dorice Griffith (Associate Dean of Student Learning and Success): griffithd [at] emmanuel.edu (griffithd[at]emmanuel[dot]edu) or Room EAB-322A
Should you wish to talk with someone about your experiences, you can access information about campus, local, and national resources for unwanted sexual misconduct at any point in the survey by clicking on this link: Resources This resource link will be available at the bottom of each page of the survey.