In the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to communicate with the extended Emmanuel College community in an accurate and timely fashion.
The primary location for Emergency Alerts is the RAVE Emergency Notification System. In more severe scenarios, alerts will be placed at the top of the homepage as a banner. If needed during a time of crisis, an alternate "light" version of the homepage can be enacted to ensure it remains active. Community members will also receive campus safety notifications via Emmanuel Email.
Enroll in the RAVE Emergency Notification System
Internally, Emmanuel utilizes the RAVE Emergency Notification System to communicate with the College community. All students, faculty, staff and administrators are required to register for this free service, which informs registered users of campus closures and campus emergencies via mass e-mail, voice-mail and/or text message.
1. Once on the page click on “Accounts”
2. Select “RAVE Emergency Notification System” and log in using Emmanuel credentials
3. Add all necessary contact information
While all Emmanuel community members' college e-mail addresses are automatically registered with the system, Campus Safety encourages everyone to register alternative e-mail addresses and phone numbers, including those of family members. Faculty and staff can also register for RAVE. To register to receive emergency communications from the College, please enroll via the RAVE portal here.
If an emergency or inclement weather should affect the day-to-day operations of the College, announcements will be posted to the Emmanuel homepage and all staff, faculty and students will receive notification via the RAVE Emergency Notification System, which provides announcements when necessary via e-mail, voice-mail and text message.
Emmanuel College community members will be advised of security incidents that have occurred on or near the campus, should the College feel the community's safety may be affected. Notification will be through direct messages to e-mail inboxes, text message, voicemail and emergency alerts posted to the Emmanuel website.