The requirements listed on a student’s Progress page reflect the current active program for the student. The requirements on this page replicate the program requirements in the Academic Catalog.
Students may notice that for certain requirements, specific courses are listed underneath that requirement. The language below the requirement will indicate the number of courses that are requirement within that requirement. In some instances, the specific courses all may be required, in other instances the student may have a choice of a certain number of courses. However, in this instance, the Progress screen will show all courses that may fulfill the requirement. The system is displaying all of the possible options. In instances where one course is needed, but a menu of options is available, once the student plans, registers, or completes a course that fulfills the requirement, the requirement will list whether it is fully planned, or X number of total courses completed. Any other courses in the menu will be listed as “Not started” but so long as the requirement is listed as fully planned, in progress, or completed, the requirement fulfillment has been met upon successful completion of the course.
View the Arts and Sciences Learning Goals and Curriculum.
View the full list of Arts and Sciences full Programs of Study and Departments
Students who entered in Fall 2021 will follow a new General Education (GE) program (See Students Matriculated Fall 2021 or Later tab below for details). All Arts and Sciences degree programs, regardless of start date, are comprised of the following key requirements:
General Education Program
Either the Domains of Knowledge and Foundation Skills for students matriculated prior to Fall 2021 or the General Education Curriculum Program for students matriculated Fall 2021 and later). Details outlined under the degree requirements specific to matriculation start date.
Regardless of major requirements, all Arts and Sciences students have the same general education core (based on date of matriculation) that must be fulfilled in order to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree. Below review the specific general education curriculum requirements based on term of matriculation on the tabs below.
Major Program (Minimum 40 credits)
See Academic Regulation section and Academic Programs for specific requirement details
The major program allows students to develop depth of knowledge and skills in an academic discipline. Students choose a major program offered by Emmanuel or develop an individualized major (see Special Academic Opportunities). Major program requirements vary, and at least 50% of them must be fulfilled through Emmanuel courses. However, except for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program, students may take no more than 64 credits in one department. Majors lead to either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (B.F.A.). Typically, majors leading to a B.A. require 40 to 48 credits, whereas majors leading to the B.S. or B.F.A. require between 60 and 68 credits. At least 50% of the credit hours counting towards the major requirements must be completed at Emmanuel.
Double Majors: Students may elect to have a double major by fulfilling all the requirements for a major in two different departments. Students who successfully complete two majors only earn one degree.
Minor Programs: Minor programs typically consist of 20 to 24 credits, at least 12 of which are completed at Emmanuel.
Capstone (Minimum 4 credits*)
*Some majors require more than one semester of capstone)
The Capstone is the culminating experience of the undergraduate program. Through this experience, students demonstrate achievement of program goals through academic work that exhibits knowledge and skills appropriate to the degree-level of the program. The nature of the Capstone Experience requirement depends on the major program. Students who Students who double major will complete multiple Capstone Experiences, as each major program defines. an appropriate culminating experience. In all majors, the Capstone Experience involves completing a significant piece of work that requires the integration and application of learning from multiple courses. Students should consult with their academic advisors early in their majors to ensure that they are prepared for the work required in the capstone courses.
Students are required to complete an internship or practicum experience. The internship or praticum must be fulfilled through the major program if required or by completing INT1010 for majors not requiring an internship.
Free Electives**
**Additional Free Electives to reach the 128 credit minimum if not met by the requirements above
All A+S student and GPP undergraduate students will have a “Total Credit Requirement” section of their Progress screen. This is because the numeric credits associated with specific course requirements (domains of knowledge, major requirements, etc.) may not necessarily add up to the minimum 128 credits, or the student may have a number of credits that were transferred in and the student has not met the residency requirement. This requirement section will pull in all applicable courses and indicate any additional credits that are needed to meet either the 128 credit minimum or the residency requirement. Additionally, A+S students in the 4+1 program will have any graduate-level courses factored out of this block as the graduate credit cannot be applied to the undergraduate minimum credit requirements for graduation. Courses that fulfill credit toward the minimum credit for graduation or residency, that are not otherwise applied to the undergraduate general requirements or major or minor requirements are considered “free electives.”
Credit and GPA Requirements
All Arts and Sciences students, no matter the matriculation semester or general education curriculum followed, must successfully meet the minimum credit and GPA requirements to receive an undergraduate degree from Emmanuel College:
Credits: 128 total credits completed (some major programs may result in more than 128 credits completed)
Residency Credits (Courses completed at Emmanuel)
64 credits in residence (completed at Emmanuel College. See Residency section for additional courses that may be considered in-residence)
50% of major requirements completed at Emmanuel College
50% of minor requirements (if declared) completed at Emmanuel College
Grade Point Average:
Cumulative GPA of 2.0
Major program GPA of 2.0 (Grades of C or better required to fulfill major. Nursing students should see Nursing Student Handbook for specific program grade requirements)
Minor program GPA (if declared) of 2.0
Degree requirements for students within the Graduate and Professional Programs vary by academic level (undergraduate and graduate) and degree program. Please see the GPP Degree Requirements tab below for specific information.
Students who matriculated prior to Fall 2021 in the Arts and Sciences undergraduate program require a minimum of 128 credit hours of study. These credits are earned through a combination of degree
requirements and electives listed below. The degree requirements are comprised of the following components:
Three (3) Courses or Demonstrated Competency
Writing communication skills:ENGL1103 Introduction to Academic Writing or approved Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or college transfer credit
Second language skills:Two (2) semesters of the same foreign language or American Sign Language or demonstration of skill placing students out of the second semester of College language
Maximum 44 credits
One Course each, unless otherwise indicated
Two (2) Courses-one from each Aesthic Inquiry Domain
- Literature (AI-L)- One Course
- Art/Music/Theater (AI-A)- One Course
Historical Consciouness (HC)
Social Analysis (SA)
Two (2) courses, with each course from a different discipline (department prefix)
Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Analysis (SI-L, QA, SI)
Three (3) Courses:
- One Scientific Inquiry with Lab (SI-L)
- One Quantiative Analysis (QA)
- a second course of the student’s choice: (SI-L), (SI) OR (QA)
Religous Thought and Moral Reasoning
(R, RCT, M)
Three (3) Courses:
- Religious Thought- 2 Courses*
- One Religious Thought in the Christian Tradition (RCT), the second may be designated R or RCT
- *One religious thought course must be at the 2000 level or above
- Moral Reasoning (M)-1 Course
Explanation of the Domains of Knowledge
The knowledge, skills, and habits of the mind developed through the study of the liberal arts disciplines and their respective methods of inquiry, their concepts and vocabulary, their creative and critical processes, and their contributions to human knowledge are basic to the goal of developing the intellectual, aesthetic and moral sensibility assumed in a person liberally educated for life. Courses that fulfill these requirements are marked with the abbreviations noted in parentheses in the course descriptions section of this catalog.
Aesthetic Inquiry (AI-L; AI-A) Requirement: two courses (one from literature, one from the arts)
- The two-course requirement in this domain consists of courses that expose students to original works produced by writers, visual artists and musicians, and provides an opportunity to interpret, evaluate, analyze and understand these products of the creative imagination. Using the language, concepts, and criteria of the respective aesthetic disciplines, courses in American, British, world and foreign language literature, as well as historical surveys of art, music, theater, and performance/studio courses, will explore the relationship between aesthetic works and their historical and cultural contexts.
Historical Consciousness (H) Requirement: one course (a historical survey of a significant period of history or region of the world)
- The requirement in this domain consists of courses that provide students with a context for understanding relationships between historical events and the connection between past and present. The requirement in the historical consciousness domain will be drawn from courses that survey a period in history or a region of the world. These courses demonstrate the methods and theories with which historians deal with such issues as causation, the role of perspective and judgment in reconstructing the past, conflicting interpretations of historical events and processes, and the ways in which evidence is analyzed and evaluated as a tool for reconstructing the past.
Social Analysis (SA) Requirement: two courses from two different disciplines
- The two-course requirement in this domain consists of courses that present and apply the formal theoretical perspectives and empirical research methods that define those bodies of knowledge known as the social sciences: anthropology, economics, political, science, psychology and sociology. Courses in this domain have in common the aim of analyzing the interaction between individuals, states and cultures; and the institutions and ideas that organize social life within and between societies. Individual courses will vary according to their respective disciplinary emphasis on personality, economic systems, political institutions, social structures, and culture. Courses will provide an understanding of important elements of the intellectual tradition of social science inquiry and have application to issues of contemporary society.
Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Analysis (SI; SI-L; QA) Requirement: three courses (one laboratory science course, one quantitative analysis course, and one from either area, where the science course may be a non-laboratory science course.
- Laboratory science courses indicated by SI-L.) The three-course requirement in this domain consists of courses that deal with the scientific study of the natural world and with the logical systems of mathematics. The scientific inquiry component of the requirement consists of courses that demonstrate the methods used by scientists to obtain and evaluate information, consider the impact of scientific information on humanity and the environment, and provide experience in using scientific reasoning to investigate questions and develop and evaluate hypotheses. In so doing, such courses can provide a basis for scientific literacy for non-scientists. The quantitative analysis component of the requirement consists of courses that teach the logical structures of quantitative reasoning, the concept of probability, or the application of quantitative argument to everyday life. In so doing, the courses in this domain provide a basis for mathematical literacy for non-mathematicians.
Religious Thought and Moral Reasoning (R; RCT; M) Requirement: three courses (two in religious thought, one in moral reasoning)
- The three-course requirement in this domain consists of courses that provide an intellectual framework for the exploration of systems of religious belief and of moral concepts. Courses fulfilling the religious thought requirement will affirm the religious dimension of life as a central aspect of understanding human experience, address the interrelationship of religion with other social systems and cultures, and explore the multiplicity of expressions of belief both within and across religious traditions. Mindful of the College’s Catholic heritage and appreciating the theological foundations of a liberal arts and sciences education within the Catholic intellectual tradition, students are required to complete at least one of their religious thought (R) requirements from courses in which they encounter the Christian tradition, which inspires the mission of Emmanuel College. Courses that meet this requirement are designated RCT in the Academic Catalog. Students may take only one 1000-level course to fulfill the religious thought requirement. Courses fulfilling the moral reasoning requirement maybe those that address moral reasoning either in the narrow sense of determining right from wrong and good from evil, or in the broader sense in which the subject matter of moral reasoning is a good life itself, especially the virtues discussed by philosophers for centuries, in particular the virtue of wisdom.
Students who matriculated Fall 2021 or later in the Arts and Sciences undergraduate program require a minimum of 128 credit hours of study made up of a combination of the degree components listed above. This section will detail the General Education Curriculum for Arts and Sciences students matriculated in the Fall 2021 semester or later.
The new General Education Program (GEP), developed for students entering the College in Fall 2021 and later, consists of 13-14 courses designed to develop individuals who are capable of thoughtful, creative and productive lives. This GEP highlights essential values, essential skills, and essential Areas of Knowledge (AOK). The GEP will ensure that students are preparedfor a lifetime of learning, personal development, and service to their professions and their communities. Along with their major program of study and co-curricular activities, the GEP program will help to prepare students to live a flourishing life in this complex world of rapid change, individual and cultural diversity, and unlimited opportunities for service to others.
Explanation of the General Requirements
Essential Values
The two essential values that students will develop are: Social Justice and Diversity and Multiculturalism. The GEP requires that students complete two (2) courses each for Social Justice and Diversity and Multiculturalism.
- Social Justice (SJ): Develop knowledge, skills, values and motivation to participate beneficially in activities of personal and public concern.
- Diversity + Multiculturalism (DM): Understand the complexity of identity and diversity and how these topics affect the individual and both the local and global cultures.
Essential Skills
The three essential skills that students will develop are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication and Integrative Learning. Critical Thinking and Effective Communication are embedded in every GE course. All students must also complete Intro to Academic Writing and a Writing Intensive course, typically a 2000- or 3000-level course.
- Critial Thinking: Use reason and observation to solve problems in a variety of situations.
- Effective Communication: Cultivate skills in written, oral, and visual discourse in order to share ideas through different media and in a variety of professional contexts.
- Integrative Learning: Foster the ability to make connections between theory and practice of an area of knowledge; Draw implications from experientially based work and engage in reflective analysis resulting in deeper, integrative understanding.
Essential Areas of Knowlege (AOK)
These AOKs include Ethical Reasoning (ER), Historical Inquiry (HI), Language and Culture (LC), Literary Inquiry (LI), Quantitative Reasoning (QR), Religious Inquiry (RI and RICT), Natural Sciences (NS and NSL), Social Sciences (SS), and Visual and Creative Inquiry (VCI). Further information about AOK goals and the courses required are detailed in the chart below.
Four (4) Courses. Two (2) courses from each value. Values courses may overlap with an AOK or major course, but not with another Essential Value.
Diversity and Multiculturalism (DM) Two (2) courses
Social Justice (SM) Two (2) courses
ENGL1103 Intro to Academic Writing (Or approved Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate high school course equivalency with appropriate exam score or college transfer credit. Official transcript required)
Writing Intensive Course (WI) May overlap with an AOK, Essential Value, or Major Course
One (1) course from each AOK, with exception of Religious Inquiry and Scientific Process: Natural Science and Scientic Process: Social Sciences (Two (2) courses each).
May overlap with an Essential Value, Writing Intensive, or Major requirement, but may not count for more than one AOK.
Ethical Reasoning (ER) Make moral decisions about the right and the good according to ethical standards
Historical Inquiry (HI) Understand the relationship between historical events, gaining the ability to make connections between the past and present
Language and Culture (LC) Develop basic communication skills in a language other than English that will serve as a strong foundation for collaboration across languages and cultures.
Literary Inquiry (LI) Understand how literature has reflected and transformed human life throughout history and how it continues that work today.
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Gain competency in quantitative analysis to evaluate arguments and create solutions to real-world problems
Religous Inquiry (RI and RICT) Investigate the religious dimension of life as a pervasive influence on historical events, cultural expression, and individual experience.
Two (2) courses, of which one (1) course must be in the Christian Tradition designated (RICT)
Scientific Process- Natural Sciences (NS and NSL) Students will observe order and organization in the physical world, participate in problem-solving with the scientific process, and understand science and technology in the context of society.
Two (2) courses of which one (1) course must have a lab component designated (NSL)
Scientific Process- Social Sciences (SS) Use theory and empirical research to analyze
the interaction between individuals, states and cultures.
Two (2) courses, with each course from a different discipline (department prefix)
Visual and Creative Inquiry (VCI) Study traditional and innovative modes of art and
creativity and produce work that explores the artistic process, communication and creative
Undergraduate GPP Program Requirements:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Degree Requirements & Curriculum
The BSBA undergraduate program requires a minimum of 128 credit hours of study. These credits are earned through a combination of degree requirements and electives. The BSBA degree requirements are comprised of four components and the following minimum credit and GPA requirements are needed to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Emmanuel College.
- 128 total credits
- Cumulative and major GPA of 2.0
- 48 credits in residence (at Emmanuel College)
- Components of BSBA Degree
- BSBA Major Courses
- BSBA Capstone Experience (Two courses: MGMT 3103- 2 term field experience and seminar and MGMT 4101)
- General Core Requirements
- Free Elective Credit to reach the minimum 128 credit requirement
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Degree Requirements & Curriculum
The BSN undergraduate program requires a minimum of 128 credit hours of study. These credits are earned through a combination of degree requirements and electives. The BSN degree requirements are comprised of four components and the following minimum credit and GPA requirements are needed to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Emmanuel College. Nursing students should consult the Nursing Student Handbook for specific grade requirements.
- 128 total credits
- Cumulative and major GPA of 2.0
- 32 credits in residence (at Emmanuel College)
- Components of BSN Degree
- Nursing Major Courses
- Nursing Capstone Experience (NURS 4170)
- Nursing Pre-Requisite Courses
- General Core Studies Courses
- Free Elective Credit to reach the 128 credit minimum if needed
Graduate GPP Program requirements: Candidates for a master's degree must successfully complete a minimum of 30 credits. Specific credit requirements are indicated under each program section of the academic catalog. A cumulative grade point average of B (3.0) or higher is required for graduation. A maximum of 2 courses (6 credits) may transfer to the degree. All other credits must be completed at Emmanuel.